Turn Your 401k into Penalty Free Liquid Gold

The ROBS (Rollover as Business Start-Up) program allows for early access to 401(k) money without paying taxes or penalties. It works by rolling over 401(k) funds into a new corporation's retirement account and then using those funds to purchase stock in the new business. This turns the 401(k) into pretax liquid capital and can be used in combination with other funding programs like SBA loans. Some of the benefits of using ROBS include being able to start a business debt-free, not having to pay back loans or interest, and being able to use all or just a portion of the 401(k) funds. It's important to note that Roth IRA funds cannot be used with ROBS and if you're still working for an employer, they may not allow you to take money out of their accounts while still employed. Investing in a strong franchise brand through ROBS can reduce the risk associated with starting a business and the consultants at FranchiseOwnership.com can help clients find the best fit for their goals and lifestyle.